Saturday, August 19, 2023

Gorges SP

Well today's hike didn't go as planned.  Started out on the trail to Rainbow falls.  Before getting to the falls everyone was warning us about yellow jacket nests and some were saying they got stung.  Right before getting there we saw a couple people that had just gotten stung.  So a friend and I decided to turn around and not continue in order not to get stung.  We went back down the trail a little ways and had lunch on a rock next to the water.  Then we continued back up the trail and took a side trail to Stairway Falls.  Then before turning to go back to the parking lot we went down Raymond Fisher trail for a little while and then turned around and headed back to the trailhead.  Ended up with 4.5 Miles and 745 EG.  In the picture below it's the dark blue line that we hiked today.

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